Monday, August 1, 2011

Python Padding with PKCS7

Here's the definition of PKCS7 padding (from RFC 2315):

RFC 2315, section 10.3, note #2:
     2.   Some content-encryption algorithms assume the
          input length is a multiple of k octets, where k > 1, and
          let the application define a method for handling inputs
          whose lengths are not a multiple of k octets. For such
          algorithms, the method shall be to pad the input at the
          trailing end with k - (l mod k) octets all having value k -
          (l mod k), where l is the length of the input. In other
          words, the input is padded at the trailing end with one of
          the following strings:

                   01 -- if l mod k = k-1
                  02 02 -- if l mod k = k-2
                k k ... k k -- if l mod k = 0

          The padding can be removed unambiguously since all input is
          padded and no padding string is a suffix of another. This
          padding method is well-defined if and only if k < 256;
          methods for larger k are an open issue for further study.

And here's how to implement it in python:

class PKCS7Encoder():
    Technique for padding a string as defined in RFC 2315, section 10.3,
    note #2
    class InvalidBlockSizeError(Exception):
        """Raised for invalid block sizes"""

    def __init__(self, block_size=16):
        if block_size < 2 or block_size > 255:
            raise PKCS7Encoder.InvalidBlockSizeError('The block size must be ' \
                    'between 2 and 255, inclusive')
        self.block_size = block_size

    def encode(self, text):
        text_length = len(text)
        amount_to_pad = self.block_size - (text_length % self.block_size)
        if amount_to_pad == 0:
            amount_to_pad = self.block_size
        pad = chr(amount_to_pad)
        return text + pad * amount_to_pad

    def decode(self, text):
        pad = ord(text[-1])
        return text[:-pad]

Example use:
>>> # basic use
>>> encoder = PKCS7Encoder()
>>> padded_value = encoder.encode('hi')
>>> padded_value
>>> len(padded_value)
>>> encoder.decode(padded_value)

>>> # empty string
>>> padded_value = encoder.encode('')
>>> padded_value
>>> len(padded_value)
>>> encoder.decode(padded_value)

>>> # string that is longer than a single block
>>> padded_value = encoder.encode('this string is long enough to span blocks')
>>> padded_value
'this string is long enough to span blocks\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07\x07'
>>> len(padded_value)
>>> len(padded_value) % 16
>>> encoder.decode(padded_value)
'this string is long enough to span blocks'

>>> # using the max block size
>>> encoder = PKCS7Encoder(255)
>>> padded_value = encoder.encode('hi')
>>> len(padded_value)
>>> encoder.decode(padded_value)


  1. Please fix your code, it pads with integer byte blocks instead of HEX as specified in RFC.

    def encode:
    pad = unhexlify('%02x' % amount_to_pad)
    def decode:
    pad = int(hexlify(text[-1]), 16)

  2. Agree with Bojan comment. Compatible code with RFC:

    def encode(self, text):
    text_length = len(text)
    amount_to_pad = self.block_size - (text_length % self.block_size)
    if amount_to_pad == 0:
    amount_to_pad = self.block_size
    #pad = unhexlify('%02d' % amount_to_pad)
    pad = chr(amount_to_pad)
    return text + pad * amount_to_pad

    def decode(self, text):
    #pad = int(hexlify(text[-1]))
    pad = ord(text[-1])
    return text[:-pad]

  3. Thank you, I have updated the code and provided some examples.
